Mr. Kambiz Yadidi is the Founder and President of General Pharma Partners, Inc. Prior to the formation of General Pharma Partners, Mr. Yadidi was the founder and CEO of Sinus Dynamics, a specialty pharmacy dedicated to offering acute and chronic sinusitis sufferers a topical intranasal form of therapy. While CEO of Sinus Dynamics, Kambiz developed a growth strategy that resulted in 43%+ annual growth each year. In January 2012 Sinus Dynamics was successfully sold to a private equity healthcare firm.

Before Sinus Dynamics, Mr. Yadidi founded and invested in several successful healthcare businesses. He is an accomplished entrepreneur in the healthcare industry. With over 18 years of experience, he has created and helped small to medium sized businesses evolve into valuable and enduring companies that have made a difference in the healthcare market. His vision coupled with his experience and knowledge has guided him to success.